This website was created from a copy of which was originally saved on April 26, 2018. The website was originally created and managed by J.M. LaBODA who passed away in early 2018. When his website disappeared this copy was erected to keep the massive amount of information he collected available to all. We are also working to recover his other two websites: and

Due to many of the photographs linking to external websites, not all of the links will continue to work as time goes on. A full offline copy of this website can be downloaded here:




I cannot promise you that all links will remain working since I have no control over this.  To contact me my email address is jmlaboda[at] 

Recommended Sites:
If you are interested in the Canadian National I highly recommend you checking out these additional sites.  There is a wealth of information that can be gleaned from them... well worth the time to look around.
  • The CNR Photos website is a great resource with a large collection of photos of locomotives and cars dealing with the CN and its subsidiaries. 
  • The Canadian Passenger Rail list at Yahoo! Groups is a great source of information on all aspects of Canadian Passenger Train service.  This list is a great source of information on all aspects of the road.
  • Also recommended is the C-N-R list at Yahoo! Groups.  This list deals with all aspects of the Canadian National and its subsidiaries... definitely a great group to be a member of.

    Some important changes were recently made at that affects how a person views images and I felt it is important enough of a change to mention it here.  In the past clicking on an image or right clicking on an image provided for larger sizes to be chosen, and, as it is with the vast majority of shots linked to from this website, a considerably larger image could be seen.  Now left clicking on the download icon (shown at left) in the lower right corner of the screen will bring up the available sizes for all images, all one has to do now is to choose the size and it will load.  I hope that this info will help in viewing images at Flickr.

     CN - Canadian National
    Listings include Canadian National subsidiary Thousand Island Rwy. (TIR) and predecessors Canadian Northern (CNor), Grand Trunk (GT) and Grand Truck Pacific (GTP), Intercolonial as well as Nova Scotia Central Rwy. (NSCR), but does not include the Central Vermont, Grand Trunk Western or New Foundland Rwy. (and its predecessors) which have their own listings.  Also see Algoma Central and Via Rail Canada.
  • CN Chesterfield - (ex-PULL) HW Colonist car rblt. from Plan 2410 12 Sect - 1 DR.  (Also see CN 2737.) (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Liscomb - wood vestibuled cafe - parlor, resheathed in metal. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Louisburg - HW "gothic" 10 Sect - 2 DR. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Midland - HW 12 Sect - 1 DR. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Sherbrooke - HW 12 Sect - 1 DR. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Syndey - wood vestibuled 10 Sect - 2 DR, resheathed in metal. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN Valcartier - HW "gothic" sleeper - buffet rblt. from 10 Sect - 2 DR. (OLD TIME TRAINS)
  • CN White Hall - HW 8 Sect - 1 DR - buffet. (CANADA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - 800723 (ex-RQA 1325, exx-BKSX 9409, exxx-AMTK, exxxx-9465, nee-GN 1325) Budd dome - coach. (DOME.MAIN)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - (R. BERREND)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - (R. BERREND)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - (SW RAIL PHOTOS)
  • CN 99 American Spirit - (LOADSTONE)
  • CN 300 - (ex-RDG 3) Budd dining car. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 300 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 300 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 301 - (ex-RDG 4) Budd coach. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 301 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 302 - (ex-RDG 5) Budd coach - lounge RE observation. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 302 - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 302 - (RAIL PICTURES)
  • CN 302 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 302 - (I.S. ABRAMS)
  • CN 302 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 303 - (ex-RDG 2) Budd coach. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 303 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 303 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 304:1 - (ex-NAR 304, exx-1857, exxx-ED&BC, nee-B&A 630) wood open-platform coach. (D. De BRUYN)
  • CN 304:2 - (ex-RDG 1) Budd coach RE observation. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 304 - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 304 - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 304 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 304 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 304 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 321 - HS corrugated Tempo club - galley. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 321 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 321 - as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 322 - HS corrugated parlor rblt. from parlor - club, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 322 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 323 - HS corrugated parlor. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 323 - HS corrugated parlor rblt. from parlor - club, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 323 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 324 - HS corrugated club - galley. (CANADIAN FREIGHT CAR GALLERY)
  • CN 340 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 341 - HS corrugated Tempo cafe - bar - lounge. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 341 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 341 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 341 - as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 341 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 342 - HS corrugated Tempo cafe - coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 342 - as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 342 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 344 - HS corrugated Tempo cafe - coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN HS corrugated Tempo cafe - coach - "Paradise & Pacific" (ex-VIA, nee-CN) grounded, Scottsdale, Az. (CMROWELL)
  • CN HS Tempo cafe - coach - (HICKS LOCOMOTIVE & CAR WORKS)
  • CN 360 - HS corrugated coach rblt. from cafe - coach, originally coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 361 - HS corrugated coach rblt. from cafe - coach, originally coach, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 361 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 362 - HS corrugated Tempo 82-seat coach. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 362 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 362 - HS corrugated coach, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 362 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 363 - HS corrugated coach rblt. from cafe - coach, originally club - galley, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 364 - HS corrugated coach rblt. from cafe - coach, originally coach, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 364 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 366 - HS corrugated Tempo 82-seat coach. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 366 - as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 366 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 371 - HS corrugated coach, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 371 - as Algoma Central.
  • CN 372 - HS corrugated coach. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 373 - HS corrugated coach, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 375 - HS corrugated Tempo 82-seat coach. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 375 - as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 376 - HS corrugated coach rblt. from cafe - coach, originally club - galley, as Denver & Rio Grande Western.
  • CN 406 Georgian Bay - HW 1 DR - 2 Comp - 3 SR - buffet solarium lounge observation. (THE RAILFAN.NET USERNET ABPR PHOTO ARCHIVES)
  • CN 419 - (ex-PULL Benicia) HW cafe rblt. from dorm - lounge - barber shop. (CANADA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM)
  • CN 425 - LW lunch counter - dorm. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 426 - LW lunch counter - dorm. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 431 - LW lunch counter - dorm. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 431 - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 433 - LW lunch counter - dorm, on North Central Rwy.
  • CN 502 - wood open-platform coach. (CANADA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM)
  • CN 511 - wood open-platform coach. (THE RAILFAN.NET USERNET ABPR PHOTO ARCHIVES)
  • CN 550 Opinicon Lake - (ex-15654) Mod. HW club rblt. from hospital car. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 552 Lake Charlotte - (ex-15657) Mod. HW club rblt. from hospital car. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 554 Alma Lake - (ex-15652) Mod. HW club rblt. from hospital car, at British Columbia Provincial Museum.
  • CN 555 Oromocto Lake - Mod. HW club.  (History???) (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 561 Windermer - Mod. HW club.  (History???) (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 577 Lake Couchiching - (ex-406) Mod. HW club rblt. from lounge. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 585 Lake Kathlyn - CC&F LW club. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 600 - (ex-Pickens 407, nee-NYC 407) Budd twin-unit diner table car. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 602 - (ex-Pickens 489, nee-NYC 489) Budd twin-unit diner table car. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 630 Air Force Acadamy - (ex-RI 630) PS corrugated 8 Rmt - 6 DBR, on lease. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 647 - leased from B&O (ex-B&O 7600 Moonlight Dome, nee-C&O 1850 Belle Isle Dome) Budd dome - 5 Rmt - 1 DBR - 3 DR, built for the ill-fated The Chessie train, as Rail Dome Corp.
  • CN 647 - in private ownership.
  • CN 647 - leased from B&O (ex-B&O 7600 Moonlight Dome, nee-C&O 1850 Belle Isle Dome) Budd dome - 5 Rmt - 1 DBR - 3 DR, built for the ill-fated The Chessie train, now owned by Promontory Chapter, NRHS.
  • CN 652 University Club - (ex-581 Lake Lenore) PS LW 38-seat parlor - galley rblt. from 34-seat parlor, as Canon City & Royal Gorge.
  • CN 653 Mt. Royal Club - (ex-5639) PS LW 38-seat parlor - galley rblt. from coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 654 Saint James Club - (ex-582 Lake O'Brien) PS LW galley - club rblt. from 34-seat parlor. (CANADA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM)
  • CN 654 St. James Club - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 655 Hamilton Club -(ex-584 Lake St. Joseph) LW diner - lounge rblt. from galley - club, originally parlor, in private ownership.
  • CN 655 Hamilton Club - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 655 Hamilton Club - as St. Louis Steam Train Association.
  • CN 656 Rideau Club - (ex-1351, nee-1019 Valleyview) LW galley - club rblt. from 10 Sect - 1 DR - buffet. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 657 Carleton Club - (ex-1351, nee-1019 Valleyview) LW galley - club rblt. from 10 Sect - 1 DR - buffet. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 659 York Club - (ex-1355, nee-1018 Valley Road) LW galley - club rblt. from 10 Sect - 1 DR - buffet. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 660 Empire Club - (ex-1354, nee-1016 Valley Park) LW galley - club rblt. from 10 Sect - 1 DR - buffet. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 661 Union Club - (ex-1353, nee-1017 Valley River) LW parlor - galley rblt. from diner - lounge, originally 10 Sect - 1 BR - buffet. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 662 Club Laurier - (ex-1359, nee-1011 White Rapids) LW parlor - galley rblt. from diner - lounge, originally 10 Sect - 1 BR - buffet. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 752 - (ex-3004, nee-5502) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 52-seat coach - galley - lounge, originally 80-seat coach. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 755 - (ex-3007, nee-5592) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 52-seat coach - galley - lounge, originally 80-seat coach, as Kamloops Heritage Rwy.
  • CN 756 - (ex-3001, nee-5480) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 52-seat coach - galley - lounge, originally 80-seat coach, @ Danbury Railway Museum.
  • CN 757 - (ex-3003, nee-5513) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 52-seat coach - galley - lounge, originally 80-seat coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 758 - (ex-3008, nee-5463) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 52-seat coach - galley - lounge, originally 80-seat coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 760 - (ex-3022, nee-5563) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 44-seat coach - buffet lounge, originally 80-seat coach. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 761 - (ex-3023, nee-5568) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 44-seat coach - buffet lounge, originally 80-seat coach, in private ownership.
  • CN 762 - (ex-3025, nee-5567) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 44-seat coach - buffet lounge, originally 80-seat coach, on Tuscola & Saginaw Bay.
  • CN 762 - as Great Lakes Central.
  • CN 763 - (ex-3026, nee-5577) CC&F LW lunch counter - diner - lounge rblt. from 44-seat coach - buffet lounge, originally 80-seat coach. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 763 - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 887 Temiscouata - Mod. HW parlor - lounge, originally build with solarium observation. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 903 - (ex-CN 1367 Bras D'or Lake - French for Golden Arms) LW grill - lounge rblt. from dining car.
  • CN 908 Luster Lake - PS LW diner - parlor. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 998 White Glen - Mod. HW 8 Sect - 1 DBR - coffee shop. (PARLOR CAR II)
  • CN 1003 Whitecourt - Mod. HW 8 Sect - 1 DBR - coffee shop. (M. BERNARD)
  • CN 1004 White Hall - HW 8 Sect - 1 DBR - coffee shop. (CANADA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM)
  • CN 1005 Whitelaw - CC&F LW Canadian Flyer 8 Sect - 1 DBR - coffee shop. (PARLOR CAR II)
  • CN 1006 White Otter - CC&F LW Canadian Flyer 8 Sect - 1 DBR - coffee shop. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1013 White Sands - PS LW 8 Sect - 1 BR - coffee shop. (NORTH EAST RAILS)
  • CN 1016 White Otter - PS LW 8 Sect - 1 BR - coffee shop. (M. BERNARD)
  • CN 1041 Metis - Mod. HW 7 Comp - lounge open-platform observation, as MRLX 800341.
  • CN 1069 Fort William - CC&F Mod. HW 4 Comp - 1 DR - buffet lounge FE observation. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1077 - CC&F Mod. HW 4 Comp - 1 DR - buffet lounge FE observation, as Salem & Hillsborough.
  • CN 1082 Cape Rosier - PS LW 2 Comp - 2 DBR - buffet lounge. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1082 Cape Rosier - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 1083 Cape Brule - in private ownership.
  • CN 1083 Cape Brule - as U.S. Department of Transporation.
  • CN 1084 Cape Porcupine - PS LW 2 Comp - 2 DBR - buffet lounge, as Railroading Heritage of Midwest.
  • CN 1084 Cape Porcupine - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1087 Cape Breton - PS LW 2 Comp - 2 DBR - buffet lounge. (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 1088 Cape Chignecto - PS LW 2 Comp - 2 DBR - buffet lounge. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1088 Cape Chignecto - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1089 - (ex-1089 Cape Tormentine) PS LW 2 Comp - 2 DBR - buffet lounge. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1089 Cape Tormentine - 800055 (K. POKORNY)
  • CN 1089 Cape Tormentine - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - PS LW 7 Comp - lounge open-platform observation. (NEW ENGLAND RAIL)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (NORTH EAST RAILS)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - 800591 (ex-VIA, nee-CN) in private ownership. (EL COBRADOR)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (M.V. GREENSPUNN)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (J.L. NELSON)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (J.L. NELSON)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (AREOMOE)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (J. WEST)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1098 Burrard - (G. O'DELL)
  • CN 1099 Bedford - PS LW 7 Comp. - lounge open-platform observation. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1099 Bedford - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 1099 Bedford - in private ownership.
  • CN 1100 Mount Edith Cavell - PS LW 5 Comp - 3 DR. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1101 Mount Robson - PS LW 5 Comp - 3 DR. (NORTH EAST RAILS)
  • CN 1103 Mount Fitzwilliam - PS LW 5 Comp - 3 DR, in private ownership.
  • CN 1104 Mount Resplendent - PS LW 5 Comp - 3 DR. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1104 Mount Resplendent - (NORTH EAST RAILS)
  • CN 1104 Mount Resplendent - in private ownership.
  • CN 1112 Edenwold - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1112 Edenwold - @ Western Pacific RR Museum.
  • CN 1113 Edgeley - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (THE RAILFAN.NET USERNET ABPR PHOTO ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1113 Edgeley - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1113 Edgeley - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1115 Edmunston - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1117 Edwardsville - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1117 Edwardsville - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1118 Egerton - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1118 Egerton - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1119 Ekhart - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1121 Elderbank - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1121 Elderbank - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1124 Elizabeth - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1124 Elizabeth - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1125 Ellerslie - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1125 Ellerslie - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1125 Ellerslie - as Ontario Northland.
  • CN 1125 Ellerslie - as San Luis & Rio Grande.
  • CN 1126 Elliston - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1127 Elmira - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1128 Elmsdale - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1129 Elnora - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1129 Elnora - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1133 Emperor - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1133 Emporer - on New York & Ogdensburg.
  • CN 1136 Endeavour - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1136 Endeavour - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1137 Enfield - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt, as British Columbia Rwy.
  • CN 1139 Ennishore - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1139 Ennishore - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1140 Enterprise - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1141 Entrance - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1142 Entwistle - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1143 Equity - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1144 Erickson - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1145 Erinview - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (RR PICTURE ARCHIVES)
  • CN 1145 Erinview - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1147 Erwood - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (C. van STEENIS)
  • CN 1147 Erwood - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1148 Escuminac - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1151 Ethelbert - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1151 Ethelbert - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1152 Euclid - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1152 Euclid - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1154 Evandale - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1155 Evangeline - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1155 Evangeline - (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1156 Evangeline - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1157 Evelyn - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1157 Evelyn - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1158 Everett - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1159 Eldorado - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1159 Eldorado - (M. BERNERO)
  • CN 1160 Exeter - PS LW 8 Dupl Rmt - 4 DBR - 4 Rmt. (CNR PHOTOS)
  • CN 1160 Exeter - (RR - FALLEN FLAGS)
  • CN 1160 Exeter - (M. BERNERO)